Snippets of Life

By betho

Limuru Matatu Stand

Went to see the babies one last time in the morning, they are so cute :)
Then went into Limuru for lunch at a cafe and took this from a window on the top floor of the building. There are at least 3 more rows of matatus to the right. (Mini van things that act as buses They are completely unpredictable and unreliable, will stop anywhere, are usually falling apart and always overcrowded. I think our record was 23 people in 14 seats. Not bad, at least the driver had a seat to himself).
Literally 5 minutes after this, standing trying to decide on tea in the little supermarket i suddenly within 15 seconds went from fine to falling apart. It was very bizare, i thought i was about to be crazily sick but in the end never was, i just shook and felt faint and horrible and tingly.. we found a stray chair to sit me on for a bit and then someone found us and took us to some little clinic tucked away at the top of the building and took my blood pressure and wanted to send me to Tigoni hospital. Thankfully we'd rung Carmen and she'd found someone who was passing through to pick us up because there was no way i was going to Tigoni hospital (a terrible little government hospital 5 minutes from where we were staying). I didn't need a hospital and if i did i'd be going into Nairobi.
Anyway, i lay down at Brakenhurst for a bit and seemed to recover but it was very weird, i don't know why i wasn't sick and what was wrong if it wasn't that....

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