
By justbrian

Newbiggin by the Sea ( from Church point)

Today I have tried to catch up on the comments I have missed over the last few days, I have seen some exceptional blips, most notably from my friend earthdreamery, I have admired the photo the link refers to all day, there is just something about it.

Any how back to this blip, it was taken this evening about an hour ago, about fifteen miles from where I live, I had never been here so didn't know what to expect when I got there. I'm fairly pleased with the blip and will be returning soon.

It is, of course, an HDR of five exposures and tweaked in photomatix, then in color efex pro 2.

I hope everyone has a great weekend, I'm looking forward to watching my youngest son play rugby for Northumberland County under 18's ( he's 16) in a tournament tomorrow at Tynedale Rugby Club.

cheers for now

B ;-))

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