Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Soooo tired

I'm a really tired little collie dog today. Not sure why, but I'm exhausted.

Ann took me for a walk at 7am and then she went to work. I spent the morning snoozing in my bed and then my dogsitter (the lovely Christian) came to get me. He took me for another walk and then I went his house for the rest of the afternoon.

Usually when Ann comes to pick me up at 6pm I'm all happy & bouncy and we go to the pub for a drink. Today I was very subdued. Lynda (Christian's wife) told Ann she'd put a rug on the sofa for me and I'd been lying there for most of the afternoon watching TV. I love it at my dogsitters - I'm not allowed to do that at home!

Now I've come home, had my dinner and then I went straight out onto the sun terrace for another little snooze - but it started to rain so now I've gone to bed.

Ann's a bit worried about me. She says she knows my personality so well that she knows when I'm not behaving normally. I think I'm just feeling a bit off colour.

However, I know that if I keep this subdued, sad, pathetic look up for just a little bit longer I'll be allowed on the sofa with Ann for cuddles while we watch X Factor??!!

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