The Rev and a Dog

By hannamanor

Please take your rubbish home with you.

The magpies have been having a picnic in our garden and appear to have dumped a pile of rubbish ... well ... a couple of feathers ... for someone else to clear up.
It was the same in a car park yesterday when a man emptied the car ash tray onto the ground ... a pile of butts and ash ... wish I'd had the courage to point out to him that someone else was going to have to clean up his mess.
When did many of the population cease to care about the environment and simply throw away things that they don't need wherever they happen to be? How difficult is it to take home your unwanted papers and cartons? What is it that stops folk from carrying stuff until there's a convenient bin? Why does it seem that people don't take responsibility for their own refuse?
Am I grumpy? Yes! I don't think that it is fair to expect A. N. Other to be responsible for gathering up your mess.
So magpies. There are a couple of feathers lying on the grass and I'd be very grateful if you'd come and get them. You know where the compost heap is!

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