
By eightthirty

twick twock

8:30pm, at home, working. Urgh.

However, once it's done, that's the weekend active.

So, here's a thing, it's three years since I created a twitter account. My first tweet? I can't find it... it may have been something banal. Like many since.

9,654 later and I'll admit my attention to twitter has swayed between utter fascination and mild interest.

But it's three years, an average of 8.81 tweets a day.

I can't believe that's been three years. I'm also grateful for the connections I've made with people by being plugged in. For the lessons I've learned from others. And the support that has been given.

For the world I've seen through the filter of the 140 characters that others use.

Very grateful indeed.

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