Wisdom Begins In Wonder

By bobzilla

That long drive home

Today was a strange one. We'd hoped to get the last few bits and pieces from East Kilbride today but we couldn't find anywhere in our price range that actually had a van to rent.

We still went up to the house though to sort through whats left and to reassess what we're not bringing with us. We also decided we should dig up the veg that I'd planted and see if any of it was salvegable. About 2/3rds of the potatoes were fine so we managed a big box of them but every single onion was slug infested. Never the less I was impressed with the haul considering I planted them and never looked at them until now.

After we picked the kids up from my parents we started the drive home just as the sun was setting and I realised I didn't have a photo for today. Cue many attempts to get something decent from a moving vehicle. This is the best of a bad bunch :)

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