
By MallyC

Black and White

Busy busy day driving Mother to a plethora of appointments.

Whilst she was having some osteopathic work done on her shoulder and hip I dropped a load of newspapers, shredded paper and bread bags off at the local SPCA. When driving into their property I noticed a paddock of sheep nibbling the day away with these two prominent on a steep bank resting and surveying all below them. Too good to resist.

Walked the canine and then enjoyed well deserved coffee break at Everyday Gourmet then home for lunch and Mother had a wee nana nap then back into town for a long session of eye clinic appointments. Mother has lost the vision in one eye and has been having a series of injections into that eye to try and correct the indication of any sight returning yet so another injection administered today and we will discuss other options next appointment in a months time.

Treated ourselves to another well deserved coffee at the Dispensary Cafe in the hospital foyer before going home.

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