cultivate thankfulness

By cultivate

New Season

Wow, I picked a life changing month not to blip-haha. Well, no need to retrogress, this is the present and I must keep on blippin' on.

I picked such an awkward time to upload a blip, but I felt the need to at 2 am... Well in the past two hours I finished writing my first blog about my experience with IYLEP/current mental and spiritual state. I was proud of my work in the was liberating.

I spent a good part of the past two hours chatting it up with friends in Baghdad via facebook and text. SO MUCH Middle Eastern culture/knowledge/Arabic language

I am uttlerly exhausted and worked a 10 hour day yesterday, and yet I just don't want to shut off.

The one person in the world I want to talk to is the only person in the world I don't have access to. I have more access to my brother's girlfriend in China, than I do with this person... hahaha. Typical.

I feel like this blip was very stream of consciousness-esq. A sure sign I am sleep deprived.

Every day is getting better, every day there is new found peace and joy. Ahmdallah!

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