Mrs Unremarkable

By MrsUnremarkable

Wedding Bliss

We had the honour of going to an Orcadian Wedding.
We proudly took part in the Wedding March, the traditional dance at the start of the ceiledh. Hurriedly took our seats when the Eva Threestep started (aka the Evil Threestep) and evaded as many of the next dances as possible by timing our trips to the loo, getting deeply engrossed in conversations, nipping out for a coke (can't dance & drink alcohol, well can't actually dance fullstop, and definitely can't follow two steps whilst talking!). Jib couldn't decline an invitation/insistance from the bride for a dance (she didn't ask again) & apparantly I couldn't refuse the Snowball Waltz. We both watched open mouthed at the frenzied pace of the Stripping of the Willow (Orcadian version). What fun.
Thank you to the happiest Bride & Groom in the whole country for inviting us to share your day x

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