life in 4x6

By macdoughnut

A Half-Smile

Day 356

I bet she wishes she could show the other side of her face from time to time. She must be so bored of smiling smuggly all the time.

Great afternoon out with J. First to Gosford Estate, in East Lothian, to have a wander in the wood. Managed to take about 100 photos of the resident geese on the ornimental lake. There were people shooting clays, and this was fairly upsetting the geese, who were flapping up and down the water. But we were most amused that the two swans were completely unperturbed by the bangs, we think they were very smug in the knowledge that they had the queen on their side and weren't going to be shot!
And then off the the seaside for an ice-cream. The sea id good for the soul.

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