meet baby hannah....

...or should that be baby banana?

i had lots of ideas about how to celebrate my 1000th blip, but then when I got the phone call yesterday to tell me that baby chirwa (new little sister to martha) had arrived, i knew there was really going to be no other option. when i visited today baby chirwa still had no name, they were waiting for me to name her. when i refused, they settled on naming her after me! what an honour.

baby hannah, what a great way to celebrate my 1000th blipfoto!

for me, this picture really sums up what blipfoto is really all about: sharing life. the happy times, the sad times, the frustrating times, the new beginnings, sad goodbyes and all the boring and mundane moments in between.

for me, it's become more and more about sharing my life with my loved ones back at home. i know mum and dad would have loved to be around for when this little one arrived, but now they can see her and watch her grow (until they get to meet her for real).

so thanks for the memories blipfoto.

and hannah: may your days be filled with joy immeasurable and may your life be a blessing to others.

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