Mrs Gruffalo & Her Camera

By mrsgruffalo

One needs a name...

On my birthday (on Thursday) we went, at long last, to buy a new pair of fish for our tank. This shot shows the new residents of our tank. They are so hard to catch now they're in a bigger tank!

It takes me a while to name my fish generally, and these have been no exception.

The old ones (fancy goldfish) are called Buzz and Woody.
The comets are the new ones. The pale one with the orange spot on her head has been named Luna, after Luna Lovegood for the Harry Potter books... because she's pale, and a little bit anti-social! ;)

I want a male name for the other one (bottom right) and I think I want another Harry Potter name. I don't want a "normal" name (in case I decide I want it for children later on down the line!)

Any suggestions?! :D

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