A Rose By Any Other Name

By arosebyanyother


Even when I'm not at work - work is all around me!!! We've still got this mornings cups in our room & McDonalds sauces in the fridge!


Not looking forward to packing my babies back off to school!! :-( They are both very excited to be going back, I would like a few more weeks please!

Working the night shift is taking it's toll (especially as my only 2 nights off aren't together!!) Grrrrr!
Sick of having drunks at the window, getting marriage proposals & being reminded I have boobs!! Thanks, I almost forgot for a minute then! Knob'ed!!

I'm also worried about missing time with Dan! As we'll only be together about 2 hours a day with him back at work tomorrow too!

Where there's a will, there's a way!!


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