The rest of forever...

By DrMac

The wonders of glue...

All is well in the Noddy camp. Wonderful sticky stuff...I managed to get it on his leg, his arse, all over my fingers and all over the spatula. Fortunately I managed not to touch anything between Noddy and the sink otherwise life may have been rather different with several assorted objects stuck to me for ever!

So this is the first blip with my new camera. I haven't had much of a chance to look at the user manual today as I have been busy doing prep work for the start of the new term tomorrow. I did take a trip to Waterstones and purchase a few photography books...seriously, by the time I have devoured this lot I should know what I'm supposed to be doing! I spent an age in the garden tonight photographing everything and anything. I thought I had taken some decent pictures of the girls playing but the light was so poor that they came out too dark. Anyway, the start of my learning curve. I certainly love the feel of the camera and the weight...I know it will sound stupid but it makes me think feels more serious and like I should be taking decent photos with this piece of kit...I just need to work out how to! This is awesome fun - nearly as much fun as a doctorate!!

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