Back in 5. Or tomorrow.

By mly

Picking mushrooms

After attending a crayfish party in the middle of the woods somewhat south east of here last night, we made use of the time we had on our hands going back home today by picking mushrooms. There is SUCH a lot of them this year; it's great!

A heapload of funnel chanterells are now drying downstairs, and we just ate all of the golden ones sautéed in butter and cream... yum!

This is not a picture of an edible mushroom as far as I know, and it's very little of course. Perfect for a photo shoot though! It looked so beautiful where it stood.

I hope you're all doing okay! I drop by from time to time for a quick browse, but rarely take the time to comment right now. Sorry about that, but I'll get back to it again eventually!

Edit: I've gotten stuck in taking pictures with Instagram on my iPhone right now. If you care to have a look, they all end up here:

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