
By mollyblobs

Honeysuckle sparkle...

I'm afraid it's short and sweet tonight, as we're off on holiday tomorrow and I've still not done my packing!

Today was mostly occupied by holiday preparation, including baking an apple cake to take with us (Ben was amazed and asked whether we were going to just eat cake for the week!)

I also realised that he didn't really have any suitable shoes, so we went out this afternoon, in torrential rain, to find a pair - fortunately he's less fussy than Alex!

Late in the day the sun came out, transforming the world into one giant glitter ball. I thought I'd better take our big car out to check all was OK (though I don't quite know what we'd have done if it hadn't been). The engine was fine but a mud flap came loose and had to be removed - I hope nothing else drops off during the holiday!

I shall be absent from the world of blipfoto while we're away. Although the cottage has broadband, I still haven't got my laptop back. I also have this feeling that blipping's probably a bit anti-social on a family holiday. So I hope you all have fun over the next few days, and I'll catch up with you next weekend or thereabouts (with some backblips!!).

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