
By andyclicks

Le Nozze

Today was one of the big things that i've been organising and stressing over recently. I'd been sorting stuff out for a while, and everything had more or less come together. Basically it was for my friends dad and step mum's wedding. She'd asked me to organise some music for the reception. Anyways a lot of organisation later and I had 6 musicians including myself ready to play at their second reception a day later than originally planned.

Everything went really well and there was nothing but praise for everyone there. There were 4 of us on flute, two cellos and also we did a little bit of piano. It was the first time i'd ever done a solo piano performance of any kind, seemed to go well! We all got a little bit of money too which was an added bonus.

Anyways when I got home it was time for dinner, wasn't that hungry because it was a good barbeque earlier. After dinner I just fell asleep and woke up not too long ago. I was a little bit busy today during the reception thing so I didn't take any photos, but just took a quick snap of my evening snackk. Coffee, kettle crisps and a curly wurly<3 (don't tell my mum though, we're not allowed to eat curly wurlies in the house ;)

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