La vida de Annie

By Annie

One good reason...

... to get the kids to bring me in a long nightie.

I wouldn't have invaded this woman-mountain's privacy in this way, but #2 daughter was busy taking pics on her phone which are usually destined for Facebook, so the image is already out there...

This lady spends all day in bed, eating and watching tv despite the nurses' desperate attempts to get her mobile or at least sitting in her chair. Tonight they enlisted her husband's help in getting her up for her health's sake. He asked her if she'd get up if he bought her a bag of sweets, to which she readily agreed. He went and got them and handed them over ("Noooo" I thought). She scoffed them then announced she didn't feel like getting up after all (surprise surprise - any mother worth her salt would know the reward comes after the event.). The nurse gave him a stern look so he went off for another bag of sweets, which the patient reached for eagerly. At the last moment he moved it out of reach, and repeated the process until she was sitting in the chair, where she sat and sulked for an hour. As soon as there was no-one looking she nipped back into bed like a rat up a drainpipe....

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