An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Easily Distracted...


Well the mac cheese went down so well last night, everyone had second helpings (even after tomato and orange soup & crusty bread to start) and then none of us could eat dessert! Yes, that is how full up we were! Shocking!

Overslept slightly this morning so was chasing my tail a bit, then upon leaving the house I was distracted by this yellow sphere thingy (not sure what it was) shining in the bright blue sky!

Glancing over to my car I was immediately taken with these lovely raindrops clinging to the doorhandle and got my camera out and took about 10 shots.

Feeling very pleased with myself at having got my blip in the bag so early in the day, I headed off to work, only to discover when I got there, that I couldn't find my front door keys. I remembered putting them in the door, I remembered looking at the strange, yellow sphere in the sky and I remembered taking pics....but I couldn't remember locking the front door....could they still be there?

Back out and into the car.....drove back home and yes, there they were dangling merrily from the lock on the front door. Luckily I noticed so soon, luckily I live in a very quiet cul de sac and luckily I work a very short distance from home!!!

I blame Blip entirely, as before I started blipping it is doubtful I would have given these raindrops a second glance, but as soon as my head gets into Blip Mode, everything else disappears!

Way behind with my commenting and hope to do some catching up this evening.

Happy Monday Folks :))

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