
By RMurang

Year After Year

Bounty Hunter (humbled)

It's unbelievable how fast time moves and how soon a year passes year after year. However, with blip every single day passes with lots of recknoning for things that were previously not even thought of. And it's true, blip has succeeded in making another one more way of life, and a complete deviatiation from my original convention of shooting only for the money like a bounty hunter - to something more sociable, enjoyable and particularly more sharing mode of shooting.

This has been evident from my joining blip the first day, one year ago, the primary reason being, to submit some photographs for the Unstaged competition only. I did managed to not read the rules fully by then, and messed up by submitting all images on the last date thereby missing it. Still I did wanted to carry on for future attempts at least for one year.

And during that one year a lot of things have happened which have entirely changed my mind. One of the major reasons being the most obvious one - i.e. all of you wonderful friends in and around blip (my special thanks go to a special friend for the full membership gift!) and everyone related to blip. And as far as everything in life is concerned including blip, one thing always comes to mind which is always true so far - man is a social animal. Blip did succeed in forming a grand international community primarily in the virtual world and also in real time for those fortunate few. This has been made possible by the outstanding contribution and dedication from blipcentral and equally enthusiastic response from the blippers.

Thanks everyone!

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