Perennial Sweet Pea

Its one of those blips :) Too windy to venture out this evening and a bad case of CBA! After yesterdays shennanigans I had to catch today; paying bills, getting Jake's footie kit sorted and generally chasing my tale. I know I will regret not getting out for some fresh air when tomorrow comes as we are forecast to have high winds and rain. My favourite.

This sweet pea has been late to bloom this year. Its only just starting to find its feet. I love these as they grow so vigourously and have lovely long stemmed blooms which are a lot tougher than the annual varieties (you may have spotted some of them in a vase on the table in yesterday's picture). Though they do not have the same perfume.

As usual, I have put mine in the wrong place and it simply tumbles over the fence in a random manner rather than being allowed to stretch and grow and show off its finery. I may move it at the end of the year....if I remember. The odds are not high - I have been saying the same thing for 3 years.

Glad that's Monday almost over :)

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