A Little Bit Of Fun

By alittlebitoffun

Well I'm sure it's original

This is a bit geeky.

I've been putting this off for days. I wanted something original and clever for my 100th blip. You see so many that are truly brilliant and I wasn't sure how to follow them. So here goes...

I work in IT. My degree was in IT. As part of my course we were taught about binary. It's a means of representing numbers using only zeroes and ones. In decimal counting you have 10 digits to work with, 0 to 9 and when you get to 9 you carry 1 and start again. Binary is exactly the same except you only have two digits.

Hence 1 = 001, 2 = 010, 3= 011, 4 = 100.

Get it?!

Told you it was geeky.

Disclaimer : I do work in IT and have probably just blipped the most inane 100th blip but I do have a life, friends and people who love me - honest! :-)

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