W8man on the Web

By w8man

Orange Sun

Sky really....

Big rain shower on the way home tonight, but not before we got a quick blast of the sun. It lasted minutes. Literally 3 or 4 minutes after this shot was taken it was gray and pouring with rain.

The sun. Centre of our Solar System.

It's diameter is 109 times larger than the earths.
It's mass is 330,000 times that of earths.
It's 149.6 Million miles away, which means the light you see here has taken 8 minutes and 19 seconds to travel to the camera lens....

One more... err.....

It's 93 million miles away from earth, if you travelled there in a Boeing 747 travelling at 550 mph it would take 19 years to get there, a car moving at 70 mph 152 years later and a horse at 30 mph 202 years after the car.

Enough plagiarism from websites.

It's the Sun. Plain and simple.

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