Another Beautiful Day

By drewzealand

Estuary Ooze

Years even decades before our rivers and estuary recover.Nearly half of the estuary is covered in these liquified zits.I've seen what the liquifaction has done to our gardens,and its promising.The trick will be to get the sewage system working properly.
The next step is what are the plans for the liquified lands around the east side of Christchurch,under our homes that are classified green and can be rebuilt on.
Funny you should ask.
Even funnier is one of the answers that just happened to be in today's paper.
Being developed as we speak in the Netherlands is a little bug that poops calcium carbonate to cement the sand and silt together.Gives a whole new meaning to the term "shitting bricks"
Better not let the US military hear about it ,who knows where they would take it.Watch out Iran and Syria ,you have a lot of sand.
Finally,if you haven't seen my photos from Kaikoura,30 aug to 3 sept.,please go have a look.
Have a really good day.
Go the All Blacks
Maybe we could get a couple of those bugs and get that waitress ,Suzie,to put it in the Springboks porridge.That would stuff them up.Ha

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