
The intensity of the past 3 days would seemingly be overwhelming, yet it has seemed more like a week long vacation to me, which is just the oddest thing. Having set our hearts on simply being obedient to do that which seemed necessary and what was right to do, we knew we would be cleaning the Cottage again today for guests coming tomorrow, but still felt that while Mother Comfort is safe and sound and receiving care in the hospital until at least tomorrow, we would accompany a precious lady who also has a home that has been serving as a vacation rental in the town of Port Orford, and see her home as well as talk with her about her present situation and decisions she is needing to make regarding her home. It seemed good and right, so we went along for this lovely ride, sipped mochas, ate a delightful meal of fish 'n chips, sipped tea and enjoyed some treasured conversation and a bit of prayer together about the future. Driving along this stretch of coast, I asked if she'd mind pulling over for just a moment while I preserved this little memory shot.

I simply wish to record this here as a reminder. This could have been one of the most difficult weekends of our lives, juggling several things unexpectedly while attending to what we already knew we must. Yet when we returned from the hospital last evening, we had the joy of seeing my beautiful sister (on the right) and lovely mother (left) and shared a laugh or two, ate a feast of crab salad (thanks mom!), then today, we had this lovely drive and still arrive home to visit Mother Comfort, attend to a few other things, clean the Cottage and be home by 9. Wow! I truly thought I'd be at it until midnight, but the guests were champions and left things in perfect order! Thank you to the wonderful people who have stayed in and cared for our little treasure. Thank you to a Big God who hears and answers the cries of our hearts and helps us through the struggles we contend with...even giving us a bit of refreshment along the way!!

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