Life in Newburgh on Ythan

By Talpa

An A to Z of the Doric: an occasional series. D

Doric, the dialect spoken in the North-East of Scotland is rich in words and phrases associated with the land and the sea. Over the next few weeks I will try to illustrate some of them in an A-Z using examples of their use taken mainly from Buchan Claik, The Saut an the Glaur o't written in 1989 by Peter Buchan and David Toulmin.

DRY DARN: Constipation

"The loon's been back at the black trykle bowie; he surely his the dry darn. Is at so, Stan? Black-sugar is affa gweed for that they say, but maybe he needs a dose o salts or castor-ile tae gie him a richt blaa oot." (The boy has been back at the black treacle barrel; he must be constipated. Is that so, Stan? They say that Licorice is very good for that, but perhaps he needs a dose of salts or castor oil to give him a really good blow out.)


"It's time I was back to the castor ile. I'm fair corkit" (It's time that I was taking castor oil again. I'm very constipated."

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