A long road

On Sunday I did a walk for 3 charities chosen by my work as they all mean something special to them. My work mates walked the 17 miles of the Coireyairack pass but as I knackered my knees doing the Ben Nevis walk two years ago I opted to do the walk from Ardrishaig to Crinan along the Crinan canal and back also 17 miles in total.
On the way I saw a variety of wildlife; butterflies, dragon flies, fish, birds, people, I even saw a poor bloke take a tumble off his fast galloping horse (he was ok) and even got given some money from passers by on the canal path.

All in all I think I raised about £55 to put towards the amount made by the rest which should take us up to £2000, not bad for a bunch of teuchtars!
If any of you wish to learn more about our chosen charities I will attempt to put a link in but incase it doesnt work we chose 3 specific causes.

One for a little 7 year old living near Inverness who needs a heart & lung transplant but is a perky wee character
The second for a charity for road traffic victims as one of my work mates' sister's fiance was hit by a car and sucsequentley died
The final one for another workmates boyfriend who was mugged in Edinburgh and needed neurosurgery so that goes to the Edinburgh neurosurgical ward.

My companion for the entire walk was Abbie the dog who probaly covered twice the distance I did chasing all manner of things.

The last mile to Crinan on the way there was very hard but the final mile back to Ardrishaig was done on auto pilot and by will power.
Came home and had a fantastic long hot bath.

Many thanks t those whom I met on the walk and gave both money and encouragement
Sorry the photo is blurred it was taken by #2 daughter from the car! I asked her to come and pick me up as I as too knackered to walk up the steep brae to the house. Old age doesnt come alone I am afraid!


if you copy and paste the link I think it will work then!

PS if you manage to follow the link and see a picture of the main group and a teddy bear in the photo, the bear was donated by a Teddy making shop in Inverness, went on the walk with the main group and the shop made a personalised certificate so we are giving the bear to wee Keir to keep!

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