A Rose By Any Other Name

By arosebyanyother

Where'd it go?

Hold up, I think someone has misplaced summer!?!?!

This month is going to be tough - working 11pm-7am, get the kids to school by 9am, collect Lennon at 11:30am & Dhylan at 3:20, Dan home 4:30 (approx) & then find some time to sleep!!!

My sides are hurting for walking to school again, been so long!

The kids are very pleased to be back, Dhylan asked this morning if we could have Tuesday's as a 'weekend'!? Erm, no sonny Jim you can't!! I was trying to explain to him what 'full-time' meant, as Lennon is only 'part-time' at school until October!! :-/ He then asked why I work 'part-time'!! CHEEKY GIT! I work 5 nights a week while you sleep child! :-)

They will thank me at some point!

Saw 'Granny Strictpants' today, nice to have a catch-up with no kids about!! :-)

Going to grab a power-nap & hope I wake to get Dhylan, if not my wonderful inlaws become 'Super Grandparents' to save the day AGAIN!! X

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