Potato Harvest

Firstly I must apologise for mentioning the good weather of the past few days in yesterday's blip, this has clearly had a hugely detrimental effect on our weather today. Next time we are graced with warm sunshine I will not mention it for fear it vanishes.

Today's entertainment came from the potato harvest at the other side of the village, the combines have been abandoned in the fields until the gales and torrential downpours blustery winds and light rain showers pass.

In other news I took my watch to Timpsons, (other watch & shoe repair shops are available thank goodness!) to get a new battery fitted, on being told it would cost me £21 I queried the sum to be told there was no mistake that was indeed the only price he could offer. I declined this super expensive fitting of the battery and then took it to a rather smart jewellers who replaced the battery for a mere £6.50.

More harvest shots in my Blipfolio.

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