Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG


Oops is what you say when you come home and one of the dogs has taken a liking to your Cath Kidston plimsolls. Well, what else could you say?

See I told you the dogs love her stuff as much as me! It was my own fault for leaving them in the kitchen where everything is fair play for spaniels!

2 cockers spaniels free to a good home

I had no idea what I was going to Blip tonight, after being in London all day, so which ever dog it was did me a favour! Kind of! Simon is out watching the football so an early night for me with a Blip catch up. I feel I have neglected you all lately so tonight I will play catch up.

Oh, by the way, I am half way through the Louise Bagshawe book - that means I stand a good chance of finishing it within two weeks of starting it! Woohooo.

I love it now the dark nights are coming and we curl up in the snug with the fire burning, a bottle of wine, the stereo and a good book. I was up at 6am this morning and it was still dark! Autumn is indeed arriving!

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