Quis ut Deus?

The children were complaining about autumn but it's my best time of year. I do love summer (I do, I do!) but autumn is my favourite season. It's a really nice time to slowly gather yourself back into the house, by a fire, with a warm jumper, with a nice pair of boots, go for damp and windy dog walks, shuffle through leaves, enjoy the first frosts and misty mornings, the joy of lights, the lovely colours....tonight we had the first pumpkin soup of the season, with fresh bread and with fruity crumble and custard for pud. Yum yum yum.
There was a slightly cold and damp breeze when I took this shot tonight. It reminded me of damp evenings down in the harbour getting the best out of the boating season before the boats come out of the water, the tides getting higher and rougher, the salt wind soaking into your woolies and splashing stinging splashes into your face....
And today my favourite toy catalogue arrived and I started marking things for the coming birthdays and for Christmas presents....yep, autumn has definitely arrived!

In autumn comes Saint Michael with sword and with shield
Passes over meadow and orchard and field.
He's on the path to battle 'gainst darkness and strife -
He is the heavenly warrior protector of life.

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