The Daily Bun

By pennybun

The Wind in the Willows

Today, we completed another 5 miles or so of the Cuckoo Way. Despite being very windy, it was mild and dry and we enjoyed the walk very much. We saw a few narrowboats and some attractive locks, and much of this stretch was fringed with at fine hedgerows or old woodland. At one point the sky was full of house martins - I think more than I've ever seen at the same time. There were a few dragonflies around as well - I got a picture of a common darter, but I've already managed to get a number of photo of them, as they are very obliging, and settle on the path in front of you. We saw the obligatory heron flying overhead as well. There were also more crab apples lining the canal than I've ever seen. I find these difficult to resist, as they make such wonderful jelly, so brought back a large pocketful, even though we have several tons of cooking apples in the garden - even more windfalls after this weather. Such a shame the badgers aren't interested in them!

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