Giving this a go...

By Debiives

Loch Sunart

Scotland holiday- day 5

We drove across to the middle of nowhere (Ardtornish, Morvern) to visit Ross's 90 year old Grandpa. The boys enjoyed the Corran ferry (Cameron wasn't impressed that we went round the loch on the way home rather than over it) and we had a good day with Chubby as he's known to everyone. As he lives on his own in the middle of nowhere and is not mobile at all he hasn't seen much of the boys and was delighted to see us.
We went for a couple of walks too to show the boys the area their Gt Grandpa has lived in since 1928 and much to Cameron's delight we saw a seal at one point.

I took this on the way home as the sun was setting.

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