Kaz's life

By Kazchi

Didn't take many photos today......

Just this and three more practically the same.

This was taken on my dog walk.

We didn't have a very nice walk though thanks to some muppet.

We where just walking down the second field when these two labs run up from behind us. I had my three chihuahuas and Khloe with me. The dogs where on their extending leads so as soon as the labs came up to me I put my digs on short leads. My digs where all barking and freaking out and these two large dogs where standing over them. It was about two mins before the owner emerged through the gap in the hedge. He ran up to us and instead of doing what a normal person would do ( if you are not normal that means either calling your dogs away or putting them on leads) he bent over put his hands on his knees and stood there. My dogs where still freaking out. After around what felt like ages he apologised and tried calling his dogs away. They didn't listen. It took his ages to pull them away and carried on in front of me.

I kept my dogs on short leads until I thought his dogs where far enough away then I let mine onto a long lead again.

The guy got to the bottom of the field and once again his dogs run back to us. The guy just stood there and didn't even bother to come and get his dogs. Monty had enough and went for one of the dogs. That showed it. I shouted at monty and shouted at the dogs to go back to their owner. They did and we carried on.

When we got to the bottom of the field the guy got to the other corner opposite. I kept my dogs on a short lead bit one of his dogs cane back AGAIN. I was fuming. I just shouted go back to your owner now and he did.

That was the last time any of them came back.

I hate people like that. He had no control over his dogs and didn't even have a lead on him. One of his dogs was an un-castrated male. I can't be sure about the other one but my chihuahua hasn't been castrated and I know they can run for for miles when they smell another male or bitch on heat. He should have had a lead if he couldn't control his pets.

Some people

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