Any blip will do

By BethManners

Funny strange not funny lol..

These 10 striped t-shirts, that make your eyes go 'funny' looking at them, symbolise my 'funny' morning....
For a morning when finishing work half an hr early was supposed to be a bonus, everything delayed me, to name some: I walked to the carpark and couldn't find my keys, walked all the way back into the building (through the wind and rain) only to find I did actually have them.
Called in at sainsburys and dropped my 10p (what I thought was) down the drain, dug around for another only to also find that it had rolled behind where I had stood, so when I picked it up walking passed (after putting the display ticket- which turned out to be the wrong half and couldn't get my pound back) I looked like a desperate person retrieving pennies from puddles!
On leaving the shop I sent the alarms off and had to pull all 10 t-shirts out to check if the tag was still on any of them....or whether or not I was actually pinching them I guess.

I only popped in for potatoes....Ah well, and it is just the beginning of the Christmas Show work!

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