Webb London Marathon

By Astonwebbo

New job!

I actually started work today! The four years of uni were geared for today but got to admit I am not as excited as I was when I started uni!

Was an interesting day where we had to engage in a lot of ice breakers such as: standing on a piece of paper and hugging, making paper aeroplanes and telling interesting facts about each other! Turns out I am not a fan of ice breakers and find them irritating and some what pointless, but being my first day I stay enthusiastic ESP as I was being fed free lunch and dinner!!

Anyway i also got to meet the 38 other graduates starting with me, have a mixture of people from Liverpool, Bristol, Essex and many other places I can only remember a handful of their names but they seem a really good bunch! A night out in London was enjoyed and as a first day it was pretty easy!

Work life is simple!!

Av fun xx

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