If she could talk...

...she would tell you how good the peanuts are. As I mentioned in yesterday's blip, our chubby backyard birds are eating us out of house and home. About four weeks ago, Bob brought home a 50 pound bag of sunflower chips. Fifty pounds...and our feathered friends have already polished it all off! However, I still had some peanut chips that were too large for the holes in the feeder, so I ran them through the blender for a few seconds and watched as a male and female downy, a nuthatch, and lots of goldfinches flocked to the feeder.There were two little birds on the feeder when I snapped this, but at times there were as many as seven.Try large to better see the expression on her face.

The female hummingbird was nearby too, gulping down sugar water. She should soon be leaving for her long journey to her winter home in the southwest. We will miss her.

Weather report: Temps in the 60s today and cloudy. It's strange how warm 60 degrees feels in April and how cold it feels in September. The forecast for the next week is mostly low to mid 70s with some rain. Could it be fall?

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