Mr Mysterious H

By MrMayhem

Ghost of a handcuffed man

Tuesday and i finally get to go blipping with my bro. I wanted to for ages because i know it is the best way to learn. Blip with someone who knows more than i do and ask lots of stupid sounding questions like what is over and under exsposing and do you think i can get attachments for my panasonic and shit did you see Isaac drop his cup anywhere off i trot back the way we came looking for it!!.

The best thing i learned was the aptly named ghost shot. I'll be honest when i first saw my bro do one of these shots i was like "why?". However now i know how do it i have the bug.

This was taken a Tattershall castle a Castle just up the road from me which i have never been to, it's only £5 to get in and it is a little gem right on my door step. I had such a good time that i am going back tomorrow (Wednesday) to get some more shots i hope. In fact i reckon i am going to do a series over the next few of days, of Tattershall castle. Maybe only another 2 days or it's gonna start getting to expensive unless i stand on the road side to take some of the shots but i'm not like that!!

This shot wasn't the best ghost shot i took but it is my favourite because if you look closely it looks like the ghostly figure is wearing handcuffs. I actually think that its my HFH wrist band on one wrist and a very luckily placed piece of the fire place showing through on the other.

I hope to get back there today, on my own this time but it all depends on if i can get anyone to watch Isaac for a couple of hours. I can't imagine trying to lug him to the top on my own as me and G did today!!

I was going to tell a joke but my humour isn't everybodys cup of liquidised dead baby.

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