Ina's Snippets

By ina

Generator PC Board

"One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men.
No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man."

~~Elbert Hubbard~


After dinner conversation: Mr Snippets explained to me how he wants the board he is designing now, to work. I love listening to him explaining what is going on in his mind... sometimes totally carried away in his world of new ideas!

The board must control generator speed, voltage/amps, to check oil/water & diesel levels and to auto start when the power goes off.

Look forward to the project - I normally get involved and help with the make of the pc-board and I do al the soldering work on the prototype board. No! I'm not that good.... it's more like "monkey see monkey do"! Lots of fun!


Our homes are mirrors of ourselves.

(2 of 4)

A home is more than a place to lay your head and seek comfort from the elements. It is a place where you can interface with the universe. It is a crossing point in time and space that can attract or repel energy.

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