Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Fortuned Grace

"Therefore grudge not if this grace is to me fortuned, it is the goodness of God that lent to me my strength."

- Sir Gawaine, in Thomas Malory: Le Mort d'Arthur

Yesterday a piece about me and my Blipfoto 365 ran in the Penrith Press - and today it's online as well. My blip today was going to be a photo of it in the paper, but a beautiful sky was fortuned to me as I reached the train station, and I just could not pass it up. Despite photographing the sky, I was still going to blip the paper ... but in the end I simply couldn't; the sky is just such a better photograph, and I've disappointed myself before by posting a documentary shot (the box containing my Lumix) instead of a better photo (the Moon and a kookaburra).

So here's another evening sky from Blacktown station. No processing at all on this one.

Lumix DMC-G10 : f/5.60 : 1/3999" : 26mm : ISO 100

Large version here.

Uploaded with Blipfoto iPhone app

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