Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer

Good Intent

We went to one of the nearby parks to enjoy some of the lovely spring sunshine in between errands and appointments, and it seemed my little darling was the only one of the little darlings there with darling manners. Master Four Year Old was always courteous, and making sure other kids were down the bottom of the slippery-dip before he went down... Other kids just barged their way through. And their charming parents didn't tell them to be polite or wait their turn.

While he was flirting playing with a very cute little girl, my phone rang. I stepped a few feet back as not to scare kiddies with the lbarrage of expletives I had a feeling I would mutter on this call. I was on the phone for under a minute. In that time, my darling Master Four Year Old scarpered.
Panic. Tears. Possible profanity use.
He poked his head out from a garden bed after a few seconds of my panic, tears, and possible swearing.
With a cute smile he asks "are you okay, Mummy? I have a surprise for you."
"I'm fine, sweetheart, but you shouldn't run off like that. You had me very worried. If you want to go somewhere else, just tell me first, please. Now... Give me a cuddle and tell me what the surprise is."
"Sorry, Mummy. I was only going for a second, because you're usually on the phone FOREVER. Come here."

As I come up next to him, he bends over the flowers, picks one, and holds it up, saying "I picked a pretty flower for you because I know you like pretty flowers. I know you like purple, but there's no purple flowers, but these were pretty and I thought you would like one... Buuut I won't put it in your hair because I'm about to drop it because there's a ReallyBigSpiderInIt!!!"

I'm doing something right. Totally makes up for the running off.
Provided he never does it again.

"I know you didn't mean it, boy.
You meant so well."
~ Good Intent - Kimbra

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