hello again

By admirer


filled with books standing now for a year in our bedroom at my side. Not a nice view although I had covered the bulk with a nice coloured piece of fabric.
But enough is enough and yesterday evening I got an idea how to empty most of them.
I am very good in inventing practical solutions and now was the time to act.
I suddenly saw that upon our bookcases there was room to place almost ten meter of books. So early in the morning I started to unpack the boxes and although it was a heavy job to do I succeeded early in the afternoon.
I am not at all happy how it looks but it will do till I know how to succeed to sell them.
Wanting to go to the sea we had to wait a long time before the rain stopped, but when it did we went and found a stormy weather and many kite surfers at the beach. A very sandy walk but at least the dizziness of the morning went and a new dizziness of the blowing wind came.

My haiku:

I was a booklover
All my life books accompanied
My days and my nights

And the proverb from Carlyle:

Books are triviality. Life alone is great.

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