See it, snap it

By girlywhirly

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How exciting! A photo, taken outdoors, and it's not my dinner!!

Just around the corner from my office, there are 4 of these fruit & veg shops (aka Greengrocers), all displaying their wares on the pavement. A great sales technique which no doubt tempts many impromptu purchases. However, this also means careful negotiation is require to pass, and one recent 'sales trick' of hanging pineapples from the sun canopy resulted in a few surprised pedestrians and the odd bumped head.

These shops have lots of proper 'seasonal' stuff. At the moment there are greengages, damsons, Victoria plums and lots of apples. We had some fantastic 'donut' nectarines a few weeks ago, which were delicious. If you find any, you really should try them.

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