First day at secondary school

It was daughter #1's first day at secondary school today. She got up and was full of nerves. Her friends picked her up at ten past eight and they all excitedly walked off to their new school.
Daughter #2 was also quite nervous about going into year 6. I walked her to school and then went straight to work. I came home in time for daughter # 1's return from school. She had had a really good time and had lots to tell me. She was rather disappointed that she hadn't been given any homework ! She hadn't had many lessons today as it was mostly getting to grips with the school.
Daughter #1 was also full of tales when she got home and had a really good day at school. We went to town to buy a new school bag. There's a local handbag shop in Teddington that sells patterned satchels. It seems many of the local school girls have been in there buying one for school. My daughter was disappointed when we were told that there were none left. As we were leaving the shop, the shop keeper called after us to say that he'd found one at the back. My daughter was very happy. Maybe I'll blip the bags tomorrow (my other daughter already has one).
My son came home looking very sad. He injured his back playing rugby on Saturday and he said that he was still in a lot of pain. He is also very tired. He had a bath after dinner and I found him in the bathroom half asleep.
Early to bed for everyone tonight (including me)

... and here she is on her first day day at infant school way back in 2004

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