The Door is Open Wide... Is AnyBody There

My Boy

20 years ago you came into this world and changed everything. Your Dad and I went from being Hel and Si to being Mum and Dad. And we loved it.

You were a brilliant baby; slept, woke, ate, slept work and ate, in that order, every day. You were walking at 9 months, and talking coherently at 18 months. You asked questions all the time. Never just "Why", but "why is the sky blue", "why is the Sea moving", "why do the dogs make that noise". Input, you needed input.

You were kind and caring, and sad for anyone who wasn't happy. You laughed constantly and your hugs became legendary. You once told me "You need to learn to control your temper". I think you were 3 at the time. And you couldn't have been more right.

When your sister arrived, I wondered, how could I stretch this love round another baby? But miraculously, as a parent your heart just grows and grows and love is never ending. The love I felt for you simply doubled when Tooli arrived, and I was never happier than when with both my beautiful babies.

Fast Forward 20 years, and where are you now? 3500 miles away from home, and playing hard and hopefully working some in the US of A. Your Dad and I are so very, very proud of you. We miss you dreadfully, but we've done our job now and your life is yours to live; just remember what we always told you:

Always be nice to other people.
Smile a lot.
Don?t do anything that would disappoint
Clean your bits
Be Nice to your sister. (I keep adding bits)

And most importantly

Enjoy yourself!

Much Love and Happy, Happy Birthday

Mum and Dad and Toolibelle XXXX

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