Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

Lavori in corso.

New readers start here ...

Yesterday I said ''.....Home via a place which may be named at some future date to view a potential purchase which...ditto. ''The suspensfullness is terrific''.......''

No, we're not buying a Mini.

The bloke we went to see yesterday just happens to be here.
Drove up and parked where me-laddo here was, then, washing a car.
''Is Steven in?''
'' &%$£%$ 3475y667 @£$^£ QUOI?''
(Thinks ''It seems his English is worse than my schoolboy French.'')

I learned, later, that he's Italian, not a bloody clue where the ''quoi'' came from, but it was
A) The last word in the sentence.
B) The only sound clear enough to detect as a word.

Fortunately Steven was just approaching across the yard. I asked him what nationality me-laddo was and in the course of the ''crack'' it transpired that Steven is, himself, 1/2 Italian and fluently bi-lingual. We let him off with that coz he's from Wigton (8 miles from where I spent my formative years and where I got my 2ndry education)

Looks like the purchase in on.

More later.

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