
By belovedkim

papa's new toy

it started when i was young..
i always see papa holding a camera...

i can clearly remember that this is papa's 'weapon' to keep us (children) from crying... i grew up having photos of my molars and tonsils taken ...

family portraits are common too... with the ancient single lens reflex (SLR) cameras with films and tripod..normal days and events are well documented.

Papa can waste a lot of films too... from overexposure to underexposure.. he just likes to point and shoot... at absolutely anything.. his favourite? the television!! He is not that good, but given the opportunity to enhance it.. he would definitely be very good at it...but i know he knows how to appreciate good photos.

I grew up having a few cameras at home. I did not have a hard time getting hold of an SLR camera during my photography class in my college course, as it is readily available. My classmates, on the other hand had to borrow and pay for it from a photo studio.

Because photos creates a nostalgic feeling to me, my desire to learn photography grew...

I take pictures, because each frame is a memory i cherish, appreciating it for aesthetic value of angles and lomography is only secondary.. but i wish to excel on the latter too!!

today, i had the chance to chat with papa. and his face lit up when he shared that he bought a DSLR camera. :)

start shooting now papa!! no more film to waste!! :)

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