
By buttonmoon

Walliams vs The Thames

Back on blip for the first time in aggeeees. I have had a busy summer with work and moving house so my camera has unfortunately remained in it's case most of the time.

I had to get it out today though as David Walliams swam past the bottom of the garden. He's swimming the Thames for Sport Relief.

He was supposed to pass us yesterday evening but due to 'Thames Tummy' he had to finish early last night. I woke up this morning and checked twitter to find that he wasn't far away (he set out at 7am!). We all headed to the bottom of the garden and could hear the cheers in the distance as he passed the local school. Soon enough his entourage of boats appeared and finally his white swimming hat could be spotted.

He gave us a brief wave as he swam past with his trainer beside him. He seemed pretty strong for someone who has barely eaten in the last 24 hours. It must take ridiculous amounts of mental and physical strength to keep going in those circumstances.

I have back blipped some of the summer.

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