Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Living in a box... in a cardboard box.

So go the lyrics to the song by the band of the same name :-)

Today Noah has been mostly living in a box. Henry's big red floor cushion finally arrived (long story but it involved an address label which read simply Beech House, number, road, village, postcode...useful stuff like that!) Anyway, while H was delighted by the cushion, in true 'kid' fashion the littlest Grant was delighted by the box it came in.

And yes I *know* he's filthy. He is the grunge-meister. I can wash him, groom him, wipe his nose and fifteen seconds later he's covered in snot, scrot, grot, muck and other unmentionables.

Other news. Today Noah started Toddler Gym. I used to take H to all sorts of toddler groups and he hated them all. I tried music groups, toddler gym, story time...all to no avail. He wailed, whined or clung to me. So I never bothered with Noah. Poor child gets dragged out on the school run and to H's piano lessons but otherwise he's been a group-free zone.

How utterly refreshing then to take my toddler somewhere and he joins in...WOW...I've never had *that* sort of toddler before. He joined in with great enthusiasm apart from one bit, but even then he didn't freak out and scream he just said, 'No thank you.' politely to the lady running it. result.

Ok...he *did* insist on wearing his cycle helmet (see yesterday's blip), which meant a couple of mums asked me whether he was 'ok'...but I can deal with that. I couldn't have a completely 'non-weird' toddler now could I? Wouldn't *that* be boring!?

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