Zoo hundred and 65

365! Yippy! I didn't even realize...until they emailed. I'm glad someone keeps up with the numbers ;)

I quit my job and started the blip-age-ing to be sure I was spending time using my creativity - and look! I am! Got this sweet Zoo shirt from the Goodwill, but it was too big, so I spent yesterday thinking about what I'd do with it (and looking for my super sneaky straight pins...), and I spent today workin on it! I'm excited about how it turned out.

Also, I am excited that I am indeed actually doing creative things in the world again (thank you, blip!!). Next challenge, keep up with the creative things WHILE working in a job again... Maybe I'll have a chance to try that out sooner than later :)

That's the plan, and I'm sticking too it. In the meantime, I have a few more shirts hanging out in the neighborhood that I may need to take care of...

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